Sunday, March 20, 2011

Dream of Palestinians & Nuclear War

Yasser Arafat with Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in a hospital in the Libyan town of Masrata after Arafat survived a plane crash while on his way from Sudan to Tunis.
Photo: Reuters

Dream of Palestinians & Nuclear War
Michelle Collier
October 7, 2004

I dreamed that I saw Yasar Arafat in combat with his men. They were
attacking someone with rockets. Yasar was telling them that fighting in this
war was a high honor to God. Then there was a nuclear explosion near where
they were. I believe Israel was involved.

2011 Update: It is my sense that what is happening in Libya will escalate to an all out war in the middle east.

Gaddafi discusses the nuclear implications of the Israelis and Palestinian state.

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