MOSCOW – Russia is considering sending a spacecraft to a large asteroid to knock it off its path and prevent its collision with Earth — a collision NASA considers highly unlikely — the head of the country's space agency said Wednesday.
Anatoly Perminov said the space agency will hold a meeting soon to assess a mission to Apophis, telling Golos Rossii radio that it would invite NASA, the European Space Agency, the Chinese space agency and others to join the project once it is finalized.
When the 270-meter (885-foot) asteroid was first discovered in 2004, astronomers estimated the chances of it smashing into Earth in its first flyby in 2029 were as high as 1-in-37, but have since lowered their estimate.
Further studies ruled out the possibility of an impact in 2029, when the asteroid is expected to come no closer than 18,300 miles (29,450 kilometers) above Earth's surface, but they indicated a small possibility of a hit on subsequent encounters.
In October, NASA lowered the odds that Apophis could hit Earth in 2036 from a 1-in-45,000 as earlier thought to a 1-in-250,000 chance after researchers recalculated the asteroid's path. It said another close encounter in 2068 will involve a 1-in-330,000 chance of impact.
"It wasn't anything to worry about before. Now it's even less so," said Steve Chesley, an astronomer with the Near Earth Object Program at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Without mentioning NASA conclusions, Perminov said that he heard from a scientist that Apophis is getting closer and may hit the planet. "I don't remember exactly, but it seems to me it could hit the Earth by 2032," Perminov said.
"People's lives are at stake. We should pay several hundred million dollars and build a system that would allow to prevent a collision, rather than sit and wait for it to happen and kill hundreds of thousands of people," Perminov said.
Scientists have long theorized about asteroid deflection strategies. Some have proposed sending a probe to circle around a dangerous asteroid to gradually change its trajectory. Others suggested sending a spacecraft to collide with the asteroid and alter its momentum, or using nuclear weapons to hit it.
Perminov wouldn't disclose any details of the project, saying they still need to be worked out. But he said the mission wouldn't require any nuclear explosions.
Hollywood action films "Deep Impact" and "Armageddon," have featured space missions scrambling to avoid catastrophic collisions. In both movies space crews use nuclear bombs in an attempt to prevent collisions.
"Calculations show that it's possible to create a special purpose spacecraft within the time we have, which would help avoid the collision without destroying it (the asteroid) and without detonating any nuclear charges," Perminov said. "The threat of collision can be averted."
Boris Shustov, the director of the Institute of Astronomy under the Russian Academy of Sciences, hailed Perminov's statement as a signal that officials had come to recognize the danger posed by asteroids.
"Apophis is just a symbolic example, there are many other dangerous objects we know little about," he said, according to RIA Novosti news agency.
LONDON – A cold alley in central London is a far cry from a palace — but it was the spot Prince William chose to sleep to highlight the plight of homeless British teenagers.
He spent a chilly night near Blackfriars Bridge last week with Seyi Obakin, the chief executive of British homeless charity Centrepoint. William has been the charity's patron since 2005.
"I cannot, after one night, even begin to imagine what it must be like to sleep rough on London's streets night after night," William said Tuesday. "Poverty, mental illness, drug and alcohol dependency and family breakdown cause people to become and then stay homeless.
"I hope that by deepening my understanding of the issue, I can help do my bit to help the most vulnerable on our streets." (Read Full Article Here)
The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea — Charles, Prince of Wales, Foretold
In The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea, Tim Cohen provides biblical evidence to demonstrate that all of the prophecies pertaining to the coming AntiChrist — that can be fulfilled before he assumes control over a global government during the Great Tribulation — are already fulfilled in a living prince of Roman lineage; this is true of no one else, not even that same prince's sons. This prince, for example, has the lineage: he claims descent simultaneously from Israel's King David, Islam's false prophet Mohammed, and, by way of a false occult lineage, Jesus Christ Himself! This prince has the imagery: his personal heraldic achievement or coat of arms has the literal symbolism of the first beast of Revelation 13, which represents the AntiChrist, and of Daniel 7 (i.e., the little horn having eyes like the eyes of a man — a unicorn with human eyes). This prince's coat of arms also bears the red dragon described in Revelation 12 and 13, specifically representing Satan, and he was seen globally as he faced this dragon in 1969 to be coronated as "Prince of the Red Dragon" (i.e., Satan). This prince has the name calculation: his title, by which he is globally known, calculates to 666 in both Hebrew and English on the original biblical numbering system — the very system used in the underlying Greek text of Revelation 13:18 to specify the number six-hundred and sixty-six. (Read Full Article Here)
God’s judgment comes to Southern California
A long time ago in a forum far, far away I posted my warnings about a coming Great West Coast Earthquake.
I was called to be a Watchman by the Lord on the 16th on June, 1975. I had already started having dreams of terrible destruction and I was in denial about them. Then one night, right after surgery on my left knee I had this dream to beat all dreams, so detailed that these many years later it is just as fresh in my mind as it was the next day. I just as quickly convinced myself it was nothing, just the medications. So the next night I had another dream, almost the same one as the night before and this time I knew it was important. I wasn’t on any medication. That was at about 1 am on the morning of the 16th of June. At about 3 am I awoke from another dream. In this dream the Lord called me to be a Watchman over the House of Israel. He told me to be true to my charge.
Dreams and visions began and have continued throughout my life from 1975. There has been little time that I had been without them.
A few years ago I started having dreams about a tremendous earthquake that would strike Southern California. It would be preceded by two warning quakes – 5.5 to 6.5 magnitude NE of Los Angeles and a 6.5 to a 7.5 magnitude SE of Los Angeles. The first quake was a 5.8 and the second one was a 6.9. They have both already happened. There were other signs given of what to watch for that will detail close to when the quake will hit. I will give these later.
When this earthquake strikes the San Andreas Fault will rupture from an area of Palm Springs, California to Palm Dale, California, and the Pacific side of the fault will very suddenly move two miles to the west. The quake itself will measure 9.5 to 10.5 on the Richter and it will tear Southern California apart. Millions will die initially and millions more will die in the second event of this disaster. For as great as this quake is it is only the beginning.
It will render the United States defenseless (when the Lord told me that I couldn’t understand it but it is happening now) and 48 to 72 hours later Russia and China will conduct a nuclear attack on America and Israel.
Back to the earthquake; when it strikes it will send a shock wave into the earth that will trigger major to great quakes in stressed faults in other areas to within 1,500 miles of the epicenter. Boulder Dam and the other Colorado River dams will burst. The Colorado will flow into a cataclysm caused by the rupture of the Intermountain Seismic Thrust Belt south of Las Vegas, Nevada. Every city and town north, south, and east will be flattened all the way to the Rocky Mountains. The energy pouring into the Intermountain Seismic Thrust Belt will trigger the eruption of the Yellowstone super volcano. It will also trigger many other volcanoes in the Pacific Northwest and Eastern Sierra Nevada Mountain areas.
Early on the Lord pointed out to me that this would be a manmade eventas much as a nature made event. When we defaulted on our Treasury Notes we put this in motion. Russia and China want to punish us for bad fiscal responsibility and destroying their resources. Never mind the war and military conflicts; in the end it always comes down to money. To protect their own treasures they are going to take out America and this is the final warning I am waiting for.
A schism has been growing between military/intelligence fractions of the United States for some time. Those men and officers loyal to the President are being moved to California; those loyal to the Constitution are being sent to Afghanistan. All of the sealed orders have been given to the field commanders and they have been told the dates to open them.
All of this is coming together in an area filled with hateful, prideful, demonically possessed people who have turned their backs on the Lord by the tens of thousands. There is no greater pit of inequity than Hollywood (except maybe New York City) and the demonic trash it spews out. Vast members of the population there openly worship the very things that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. Lucifer walks the land in defiance of God.
All of this has been called together by God so that He can judge these people and show the world the kid gloves are off. And as He does, He will allow natural disaster and invasions by other armies to carry out His will.
If the current information on Operation Maple Leaf is correct, by January 4, 2010, everything will be in place and waiting for the population to burst at the seams.
The rest of the natural events are in motion. Antipodal earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are increasing the stresses on the San Andreas. Then will come the man made effects of vast electromagnetic energies being poured into the fault, auroras from nowhere, electric arcs that travel across the ground, disruptions in computers and other electrical systems, BIOS failures, and similar events. The last sign will be when the animals begin to leave the coast.
They will come out of the ground in masses heading for the safety of the mountains. Just before the quake it will become dead calm. Sounds will seem hollow and distant. The land will seem to be in a heat mirage.
And when God is ready He will judge this area, pouring out his wrath upon it abundantly. We will be at war. Everyone; the Russians and Chinese will attack America and Israel with a massive armada. But God will burn them down from the skies.
Does this sound familiar?
We are there now. I cannot tell you when this will happen but I have given you the background and a look into what will happen. This will be a type and a shadow of when God calls the world to judgment at Armageddon. Bad times are coming brothers and sisters.
I dreamed that I received a call on my cell phone, it was my deceased mother. She said she had called the police and they were coming for me. I kept crying why did you do this? I knew at that moment my cell phone was being monitored and the last few conversations were recorded including this one. Had I said anything compromising? I knew to chose my words carefully.
I ran into a strange guy, but someone I was connected to. He had two tattoos cascading down his forearms. It began on each shoulder, a gray disk that reminded me of the mayan calandar, then it had a jet black tribal tattoo that reminded me of a mayan symbol that cascaded down his arm into the face of a tribal man who reminded me of a mayan indian. (mayan calendar, mayan prophecy and mayan prophet?).
I touched this guy and suddenly the tattoo begin to appear on my right arm. The disk was not ink like but rather the raising of my skin puffed up into the shape of this disk which was gray with etchings in it, the tribal tattoo looked like thick black ink that cascaded into the face of the indian man as well accept my tattoo appeared with a black tie that connected around my wrist that attached to something like a small hand-held black iron torch without the flame. As I studied my arm, the tattoo began to fade from the bottom up where the face of the Indian man was but the tribal marking and disk were very clear to see and I remember showing it to someone saying, this tattoo just suddenly appeared.
I looked out a window and i saw military vehicles being unloaded from a carrier off ramp. I saw all never before seen mini-vehicles. First there were something like off road military cycles, then military mini-tanks that had to be drones because they were too small to man. They had the appearance of something like a tank but they were black, square and flat but raised on top with small rectangles going across, I will try to draw it.
I knew this was not like before, where they were unloading for storage. They were unloading, and beginning to use them openly for patrols. I looked at the sky and it was cloudy and gray like it is now this winter. Something was telling me to look at the sky and remember the time. It appeared to be around 5pm. Something told me to remember my other dreams about martial law and they were all around the same time around dusk on a cloudy day. This would be the time of day it would happen. This would be the time of day when it is finally time to go into hiding.
I saw my friend D, and we had recently moved. I told her we have to move again. She looked disgusted because we had just moved, but reluctantly, she followed me. We were going in the house to get our things. I went into the bathroom and I saw a patrol squad car pull right up to my bathroom window. I thought this is it, they are about to get me but instead they didn't recognize me. A lady officer walked up to the window and tapped on it with her baton signaling for me to close and lock it. It was only slightly cracked open.
So as I watched her and she watched and waited for me, I pulled the window down shut and locked it. She nodded and smiled, then walked back to the squad car. Then I woke up.
I dreamed that I received a call on my cell phone, it was my deceased mother. She said she had called the police and they were coming for me. I kept crying why did you do this? I knew at that moment my cell phone was being monitored and the last few conversations were recorded including this one. Had I said anything compromising? I knew to chose my words carefully.
I ran into a strange guy, but someone I was connected to. He had two tattoos cascading down his forearms. It began on each shoulder, a gray disk that reminded me of the mayan calandar, then it had a jet black tribal tatto that reminded me of a mayan symbol that cascaded down his arm into the face of a tribal man who reminded me of a mayan indian. (mayan calendar, mayan prophecy and mayan prophet?).
I touched this guy and suddenly the tattoo begin to appear on my right arm. The disk was not ink like but rather the raising of my skin puffed up into the shape of this disk which was gray with etchings in it, the tribal tattoo looked like thick black ink that cascaded into the face of the indian man as well accept my tattoo appeared with a black tie that connected around my wrist that attached to something like a small hand-held black iron torch without the flame. As I studied my arm, the tattoo began to fade from the bottom up where the face of the Indian man was but the tribal marking and disk were very clear to see and I remember showing it to someone saying, this tattoo just suddenly appeared.
I looked out a window and i saw military vehicles being unloaded from a carrier off ramp. I saw all never before seen mini-vehicles. First there were something like off road military cycles, then military mini-vehicles that had to be drones because they were too small to be manned. They had the appearance of something like a tank but they were black, square and flat but raised on top with small rectangles going across, I will try to draw it.
I knew this was not like before, where they were unloading for storage. They were unloading, and beginning to use them openly for patrols. I looked at the sky and it was cloudy and gray like it is now this winter. Something was telling me to look at the sky and remember the time. It appeared to be around 5pm. Something told me to remember my other dreams about martial law and they were all around the same time around dusk on a cloudy day. This would be the time of day it would happen. This would be the time of day when it is finally time to go into hiding. SENTRY GUARD AND PATROL VEHICLES "A more ambitious task, which involves a higher level of autonomy, is the sentry mission. Sentry robots carry out routine guard and patrol missions, monitoring restricted areas, detecting and reporting any suspicious movement in the area under surveillance.Modified "robotized" all-terrain vehicles such as IAI's Guardium which was displayed at Eurosatory 06, have also been converted to autonomous patrol vehicles, patrolling along a borderline, secured roads or anti-infiltration perimeter lines."
(I literally saw these vehicles in my dream!)
I saw my friend D, and we had recently moved. I told her we had to move again. She looked disgusted because we had just moved, but reluctantly, she followed me. We were going in the house to get our things. I went into the bathroom and I saw a police squad car pull right up to my bathroom window. I thought this is it, they are about to get me but instead they didn't recognize me. A lady officer walked up to the window and tapped on it with her baton signaling for me to close and lock it. It was only slightly cracked open.
So as I watched her and she watched and waited for me, I pulled the window down shut and locked it. She nodded and smiled, then walked back to the squad car. Then I woke up.
I am removing my BlogTv account and decided to save this video. Hopefully, those who were supposed to see it have viewed it, otherwise no one will see it unless you share it with them. Please be proactive.
Well here it is. I have been warning you that it is coming and I hope you are prepared. A race war is brewing in America like you would not believe. The civil uprisings that are coming will break down all barriers and all systems of beliefs.
Truly, I am speechless. There is so much I want to tell you, but you are not ready to hear. So all I can say is, get ready. The time is now.
11:04 PM CST on Tuesday, December 15, 2009 From staff and wire reports
Oral Roberts, the Pentecostal evangelist whose televised faith-healing ministry attracted millions of followers worldwide and made him one of the most recognizable and controversial religious leaders of the 20th century, died Tuesday at age 91. (Read Article Here)
(Download this file. I remember seeing him on television when he shared it. Every occurrence of it has been wiped from the internet. It is my opinion that Oral Roberts prophecy, although it may be accurate according to bible prophecy, could be more mind control preparation for the church to accept the false christ and a fake rapture.)
Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan stated that if Israel crossed over into Turkey’s airspace in order to bomb Iran then their answer to Israel shall be like that of an “earthquake“.
Erdogan’s response was due to a question, in an interview with Lebanese newspaper “Al Safir”, over information indicating that Israel had violated Turkish airspace in the process of spying against Iran.
Erdogan continued,saying that certainly “the information [stating that Israel was using their airspace to spy on Iran] is incorrect,” but he stated that, “if Israel did so, they will receive a response equal to that of an earthquake.”
He also said it was not reasonable that Israel went to Gaza and “swept” the population and later had the audacity to believe that they would still be permitted to train with Turkish defense forces after they have wrought havoc on the Gaza Strip.
“We,the elected government,came into being due to the will of our people. We cannot then challenge the feelings of the Turkish people, who were greatly effected by what happened during that aggression on Gaza. Our respect for the sentiment of the Turkish people played a decisive role in the background of our decision in refusing to conduct exercise “Anatolian Eagle”.
Furthermore,the Israeli’s cannot use the relationship they have with us that is declared on paper in order to hit Iran and we will not stand neutral or with folded hands”
“He said that most worry about in the Palestinian issue now is to develop the Gaza Strip”, which Turned into a big prison open, everyone stands idly by and indifferent to it. Which should not be Silence him, not only by the countries of the region, but also by the civilized world that respects Human rights “.” He described Israel’s war on Gaza as “aggression”, he is a crime against humanity in all its Standards, where Israeli forces used white phosphorus against civilians
He said that “after the aggression,which led to the destruction of Gaza: killing 1,500 of its people and wounding 5,000, a meeting in Sharm el-Sheikh had been agreed in order to rebuild what was destroyed. And there had been millions of dollars dedicated to help rebuild the strip, but the decision was not implemented. The ruins of Gaza have remained unchanged.Worse still; the blockade continues to deprive all basic needs of the people. I have heard that they have had to use the tunnels for the smuggling sheep in order to celebrate Eid al-Adha. “
This is a desperate situation and inhumane situation requires special effort in order to better treat it, so it was natural to include a list of the agenda of the visit “which is currently in Washington”. Erdogan added that there are other items which occupy his mind in this context -The first is that the cessation of settlement activity by Israel which is a necessary condition to return to peace negotiations. And second, Erdogan says that they will do their part in mediating between Israel and Syria. He has, so far, held five rounds of negotiations between the two parties. (Read Full Article Here)
ProphecyWatcher: I had to think hard before posting this video because it is extremely shocking and offensive. However, it may very well prove prophetic. Pay close attentional to the details in the video. There is was no doubt in my mind that the surge of troops to Afghanistan was going to be an invasion of Pakistan. I have a strong sense that this will be followed by a war between the U.S./NATO forces and Iran.
THE CIA is to be given broad access to the bank records of millions of Britons under a European Union plan to fight terrorism.
The Brussels agreement, which will come into force in two months’ time, requires the 27 EU member states to grant requests for banking information made by the United States under its terrorist finance tracking programme.
In a little noticed information note released last week, the EU said it had agreed that Europeans would be compelled to release the information to the CIA “as a matter of urgency”. The records will be kept in a US database for five years before being deleted.
Critics say the system is “lopsided” because there is no reciprocal arrangement under which the UK authorities can easily access the bank accounts of US citizens in America.
They also say the plan to sift through cross-border and domestic EU bank accounts gives US intelligence more scope to consult our bank accounts than is granted to law enforcement agencies in the UK or the rest of Europe.
In Britain and most of Europe a judge must authorise a specific search after receiving a sworn statement from a police officer.
This weekend civil liberties groups and privacy campaigners said the surveillance programme, introduced as an emergency measure in 2001, was being imposed on Britain without a proper debate.
Shami Chakrabarti, director of Liberty, said: “The massive scope for transferring personal information from Europe to the United States is extremely worrying, especially in the absence of public debate or parliamentary scrutiny either at EU or domestic level.
“No one is saying that allies should not co-operate, but where is the privacy protection? Where are the judicial safeguards in such a sweeping scheme?
“This looks like yet another example of lopsided post-9/11 compromise and of the ease with which temporary emergency measures are foisted on us permanently.”
US counter-terrorism officials say the data-mining programme aims to trace the transactions of people suspected of having ties to Al-Qaeda.
They say it helped to thwart a plot by an Islamist terror cell in Britain to blow up seven aircraft flying from London to the United States in 2006.
The terrorist finance tracking programme mines thousands of transactions by sifting through records from the nerve centre of the global banking industry, a Belgian co-operative known as Swift. This routes about £3 billion between banks and other financial institutions each day.
According to the EU information note, the United States can request “general data sets” under the scheme based on broad categories including “relevant message types, geography and perceived terrorism threats”.
The scheme is run out of the CIA’s headquarters in Langley, Virginia. The covert spying operation remained secret until 2006.
Health Ministry: Death toll from flu, pneumonia in Ukraine rises to 496
Yesterday at 10:16 | Interfax-Ukraine
The number of those who have died of flu and flu-like illnesses in Ukraine has increased to 496 people as of late on Dec. 13, the Ukrainian Health Ministry has reported.
Six people have died of flu and its complications (pneumonia) over the past 24 hours, the ministry said. Two people died in Donetsk region, and one each in Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Volyn, and Cherkasy regions.
Since the outbreak of the epidemic, over 2.463 million people have contracted flu and respiratory infections, including 19,198 people over the past 24 hours.
A total of 147,931 people have been hospitalized since the start of the epidemic (October 29). Of those hospitalized, 117,186 people have been discharged from hospitals.
The epidemic threshold of flu and flu-like illnesses has been exceeded in Vinnytsia, Dnipropetrovsk, Kirovohrad, Luhansk, Sumy and Cherkasy regions, and in the city of Sevastopol.
A total of 468 people have died of flu and flu-like illnesses in Ukraine as of late on Monday, December 7.
Five people have died of flu and its complications (pneumonia) over the past 24 hours, the Ukrainian Health Ministry reported.
Since the outbreak of the epidemic, nearly 2.104 million people have contracted flu and respiratory infections, including 47,379 people over the past 24 hours.
A total of 128,851 people have been hospitalized since the start of the epidemic (October 29), including 2,551 over the past 24 hours. Of those hospitalized, 102,510 people have been discharged from hospitals.
The epidemic threshold is exceeded in Vinnytsia, Dnipropetrovsk, Kirovohrad, Luhansk and Sumy regions.
"The mutated version of this H1N1 influenza is a mixture of swine, bird and human viruses and has killed at least 6,770 people globally, according to the latest update. Similar mutations have been found in H1N1 viruses circulating in several other countries, including the Ukraine, China, and here in the United States."
"Public health authorities have said this could be due to the country being hit early in the pandemic's northern hemisphere winter wave, before a mass vaccination program got underway. Opponents of the vaccines lay blame on the mutations being developed in the laboratory and actually being transmitted via the vaccines." (San Francisco Examiner)
Prevention should be the strengthening of the human immune system. Professor Bachinsky recommends, “Garlic, onions, wild rose, viburnum (guelder rose), raspberries, citrus fruit, honey, and other fruits and vegetables – whatever you want. Those with a strong immune system will survive. Those with weaker immune systems will succumb to the disease.”
H1N1 Swine Flu Bio-Weapon Link
Professor Victor Bachinsky, PhD., is a coroner in the Chernivtsi region of Ukraine. He provides evidence which indicates that Para influenza mixed with the H1N1 virus, not pneumonic plague, has caused so much illness in Ukraine. Yet more strains of influenza which have combined, a strong indication that we are dealing with a laboratory developed bio-weapon.
I'd like to thank Brother Blue Otter of prophecykeepers for sharing this with us. What a blessing to know we have family like him. I am touched by his concern and caring heart. Much love.
Today on ProphecyWatcher Live, we will be covering everything that is Swine Flu related, including quarantines, vaccines, and martial law. Please join us at 5pm PST. See you there!
Today I did an endtime presentation for a group of friends. There were reports that two family members died recently of lung related infections.
Today my friend called who is visiting Florida on an extended vacation. His name is Roy. Please pray for him. He is in the hospital right now with a fluid mass in his lung. Florida is one of the two locations reported having seen the Ukraine Hemorrhagic Pneumonia fatal lung disease. He has not been tested for swine flu, but for seasonal flu. The Iowa fatalities were also untested until autopsies proved the results for H1N1 positive.
Florida is also under mandatory quarantine orders if necessary:
By authority of Chapter 381 and 252, Florida Statutes and Chapter 64D-3, Florida Administrative Code _____ CHD Order #____________.
Pursuant to the authority vested in this office by Chapter 381, Florida Statutes, and by your refusal to comply with the Orders of the _______ County Health Department, you, __________ _(name)____________ are hereby DETAINED under QUARANTINE in the following secure facility, ___________________________.
You are further classified as non-compliant with quarantine because after you were counseled about a communicable disease or unsafe condition that poses a threat to the public health, and methods to minimize the risk to the public and, despite such counseling, you indicated an intent by (words or actions) to expose the public to ________________. All other reasonable means of obtaining your compliance with quarantine have been exhausted; no less restrictive alternative exists.
You shall remain in detention from the date of this Order until (date) or until released from DETENTION QUARANTINE by the undersigned, such determination to be made upon the recommendation of the State Epidemiologist or State Health Officer.
While in DETENTION QUARANTINE, you shall comply with all orders of the detention facility regarding your medical care. You shall cooperate with the detention facility’s access to you and access to your medical records for purposes of delivering or monitoring your medical care.
Other Requirements/Orders: 1 Reasons For Above: DONE and ORDERED by the ________ County Health Director/Administrator this ____ day of ___________, 20___. By order of: ___________________________ ________ County Health Department _________Area Code & Phone Number (for quarantine review requests, contact person)
DUTY TO COMPLY: This action is taken under the police power authority of the health department and your cooperation is required by law. Violation of any term of this Order or failure to comply during the life of this Order with the above-stated directives, including any attempt by a person to enter, exit or behave in a manner prohibited by the Order, is a CRIME.
RIGHT TO REVIEW. Upon request to the CHD, this Quarantine Order will be reviewed on an expedited basis. Review can be initiated by a phone call to the telephone number of the official whose name appears on this Order.
RIGHT TO CHALLENGE: This Quarantine Order may be challenged, such as through petition for writ of habeas corpus, Ch. 79, F.S., following the procedures set out in Rule 1.630, Florida Rules of Civil Procedure (extraordinary remedies) or by Petition For Administrative Review, sec. 120.569 et seq., F.S.
If you have concerns or questions regarding this Quarantine Order that you wish to discuss with your attorney please do so by telephone. Do not go to your attorney’s office or break this Quarantine in any way.
Legal Authority: s.381.0011(4),(5),(6) and s.381.0012(5), and s. 252.36(2), F.S.; Rules 64D-3.005 and 64D-3.007, Florida Administrative Code 2 3
UPDATE: So far Roy is in good condition but is being hospitalized until Tuesday for possible lung tumor. I encouraged him to request a swine flu test, which he has done with the doctor's approval. We are waiting to hear back. Will keep you posted. Please remember Roy in your prayers, as this could be serious either way. Thank you.
Finally! Somebody said it! I have been saying for years that you can breathe on Mars based on my dream of mars, posted here:
I dreamed I was walking around on a planet and looking up at the sky and I could see two full moons moving close together until they became one like an eclipse. Then I slid down a very dusty hill where I came to be standing in some type of whirlpool (gully?) or a small flood of water that swirled around my ankles. (I also remember seeing sand dunes and building structures)
End of Dream
After doing some research it wasn't long before I found out that the planet Mars has two moons which have actually been photographed during an Eclipse. See photo below:
This picture is almost identical to what I saw in my dream! I found this amazing as I was unaware that Mars had two moons as well as eclipses. I was also equally amazed to learn that NASA had recently found water on mars. One thing that I was unable to scientifically verify was a breatheable atmosphere which to this day I am convinced of, as I have been able to verify all of my dreams with 100% accurate information.
"There was no one there to meet me. I looked at the man with the white hair. He read my mind and sent back the answer. I am your guide. He walked away from the landing area and the underground passages. He headed toward the red rocks that were in front of us. I can remember thinking; "There is an atmosphere on Mars. Why haven't our scientists told us about it?"
I heard the man answer me, "If they told you, there would be an overwhelming rush to colonize Mars. We don't want that."
"Four years later, I met the man with the white hair on Offutt Air Force Base. I have wanted to tell the story of my trip to Mars for a long time. Friends who know the story have advised to keep it to myself. They fear it will cause me to lose all credibility.
I don't know if I went to Mars. I know there was red dirt in my bed when I woke up. Did I go to Mars or just to Arizona? I can't give you an answer. What I do know is the man in the dream turned out to be my husband Gunther's boss, a four star Admiral who was in Navy Intelligence, and at the time I met him in 1989, on Offutt Air Force Base, he was the Director of Covert Operations for the CIA."
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Breathable Atmosphere on Mars
Today 12/12/09, I heard Aaron Kaplan's interview on the Byte Show where for the first time on the radio I heard someone say there is a breatheable atmosphere on mars! I am sure we will hear a public announcement some day. Aaron Kaplan's Interview
I posted this for those of you who are new to bible prophecy. The following video clips are by Irvin Baxter of Endtimes Magazine. Every view he presents does not represent my personal view but generally speaking in terms of fulfillment of biblical prophecy, his presentation is in close alignment with my own where the book of Revelation and Daniel are concerned. A must watch for new prophecy students.
2010 Psychic Soldier Dream By Prophecy Watcher December 10, 2009
I went to sleep about an hour ago. At first I laid down on my side to get comfortable but my back was bothering me so I thought to lay on my back. But then I thought I shouldn't sleep on my back because the last two times I remember sleeping in that position I had shadow man experiences. Then I thought, I don't care, nothing is going to happen.
The next thing I know, I was dozing off and I remember seeing the ceiling but I saw shadows coming around me. I started wondering if the shadow man experience was happening but I was too sleepy to resist and I drifted off deeper into sleep.
Then I dreamed that I was sleep in my bed and something invisible was pushing me down. It seemed like although it was invisible, I could slightly see it. I could feel its thoughts, if that makes sense and it seemed like it was testing me. How scared would I get? How much would I resist. I tried to push it off but I couldnt. I tried to say the name Jesus several times but I couldn't open my mouth. I kept resisting then it stopped.
As I continued dreaming I layed in my bed thinking about what had just happened. Then I heard a sound. It could have been steps but it reminds me a tapping sound and then I knew it was about to happen again. I looked up and I saw something invisible walking toward me real fast. Although it was invisible I could still see a figure. I guess you can compare it to the movie Predator. It got on me and started putting pressure on me. It pushed me down into the bed. I could not resist. I tried as hard as I could and then it stopped.
Again, I lay there in my dream, on my back wondering what just happened. Then I heard the tapping sound again. I knew it was about to happen. I didnt see anything this time but the covers on top of me started getting tighter around me and I felt the pressure of the blankets pressing me down into the bed.
I was so frightened by this that I got out of the bed and went into my friend's room. I told her something scarey had happened to me. She was also awake and it seemed like she was going to tell me something had happened to her too. But before she could get it out, she looked strange to me. Almost as if she was possessed. I asked her to turn on the lights but she wouldn't. I asked her again and she laughed. I left the room thinking if this is happening to me and to her, maybe its happening to my daughter too?! Suddenly I was back in the bed on my back and I realized I hadnt left my room! I was still dreaming!
Then I heard the tapping sound and I knew it was about to happen again. This time I forced myself to get up. I even felt like I was sleep walking until my hand touched the door knob and I left my room. Then I really went into her room and told her what happened. This time she turned on the light and asked me if I was okay.
I name this dream psychic soldier because it reminds me of my dream about THE VOICE. In that experience I heard a voice in my room and it sounded like technicians testing sound equipment, saying, "can you hear me".
In tonight's dream, I had a strong sense that the invisible figures were not ghosts or demons, but people! It also reminds me of something I heard about astral projection. Is this really happening? Are people traveling the astral realm disturbing others while they are sleep? Is this part of Project Blue Beam? Of course I will do the research and come back with answers.
Everything is moving fast. We could really be looking at something major by December 31, 2009!
Let's see, we had the first President of the EU elected in November, stating that his new election was the beginning of global governance in 2009! The European Union has chosen its first full-time president - Belgian Prime Minister Herman Van Rompuy. Leaders of the 27-member bloc also chose a woman for the second top job - British commissioner Catherine Ashton, who will be the EU's new foreign policy chief. He becomes the new EU president January 1.
We have the spiral light in Norway yesterday which could be the announcement of Project Blue Beam and on the day before President Obama visits to receive his Nobel Peace Prize!
The Vatican is in Israel negotiating land deals for the holy sites right now!
Vatican defends Pope Benedict XVI as ardent anti-Nazi during pontiff's Israel visit.
JERUSALEM - The Vatican defended Pope Benedict XVI on Tuesday as a man of strong anti-Nazi credentials and a peacemaker in the face of mounting Israeli criticism and Arab anger over the Israeli occupation.
Critics faulted the German-born pope for failing to apologize in a speech at Israel's Holocaust memorial for what they see as Catholic indifference during the Nazi genocide — a controversy that threatened to overshadow his high-profile pilgrimage to the Holy Land.
Benedict delivered messages of peace Tuesday while visiting the holiest Muslim and Jewish sites in Jerusalem, the Dome of the Rock and the Western Wall.
"The document also called for the establishment of a Palestinian state comprising the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem. "If there is to be (peace) a way has to be found to resolve the status of Jerusalem as the capital of two states," it said." (article here)
The EU is taking over peace negotiations between Israel & Palestine!
US on EU: J'lem to be negotiated in final-status agreement
Yitzhak Benhorin Published: 12.08.09, 23:01 / Israel News
WASHINGTON – Jerusalem sounded pleased after the European Union decided to tone down its statement on Jerusalem as the capital of two states, but there were a number of wrinkled noses in Washington.
Assistant Secretary of State PJ Crowley said Tuesday in response: "We are aware of the EU statement, but our position on Jerusalem is clear. We believe that is a final-status issue. This is best addressed inside a formal negotiation among the parties directly."
Gov't to support referendum on Golan Heights. Minister Dan Meridor's attempts to block drafting of bill obligating Israel to go to national referendum prior to committing to withdrawing from Golan Heights or east Jerusalem fail. Ministerial committee shoots down his appeal with five to two majority. Minister claims law will damage chances of peace
The United States, the EU, and others certainly recognize the importance of getting back to negotiation. And we all have our differing views on the emotional and complex issues that are at the heart of this challenge," said Crowley, reiterating the Obama administration's stance.
Crowley noted that the US' current focus is "to see what we can do to try to encourage the parties, all of them, to move beyond kind of the cul-de-sac that we find ourselves in and to continue to refocus on the future and see what we can do to get the process moving forward again."
The EU minister's resolution, which was significantly softened from the original Swedish proposal, said that Europe is concerned by the situation in east Jerusalem and called upon all sides to avoid provocations in light of recent developments.
The document also noted that the European Commission never recognized Israel's annexation of east Jerusalem.
"If there is to be a genuine peace, a way must be found through negotiations to resolve the status of Jerusalem as the future capital of two states," EU foreign ministers agreed in the statement released on Tuesday, diplomats said.
The statement continued on to call Israel to halt its discriminatory practices against Palestinian residents of east Jerusalem as well as to re-open Palestinian institutions there.
Goldstone Report hampered talks
There mood in Israel following the publication of the EU statement was actually more moderated than the one in the US. Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman was also pleased by the decision: "I'm pleased that the foreign ministers didn’t make any rash, one-sided decisions.
"The decision stating the some of the core issues between Israel and the Palestinians must be settled by negotiations is even an improvement to Europe's previous stand."
A senior Foreign Ministry source told Ynet that "ensuring such a decision was made was not an easy task."
The State Department emphasized that it was taking steps to renew direct talks between the Israelis and the Palestinians, especially on the backdrop of Israel's decision to impose a 10-month moratorium on West Bank settlement building. Such moves include encouraging Israel's Arab neighbors to support Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.
"For other countries in the region, we continue to encourage them to provide support to President Abbas and to be prepared to take meaningful steps if and when we get to a point where we think that the parties are prepared to consider negotiations," said Crowley.
To this end, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met Wednesday with Mideast Quartet envoy Tony Blair. In addition, special envoy to the Middle East George Mitchell is continuing his diplomatic talks with the Arabs. However, Mitchell is not expected to return to the region before the end of the year.
"It's not a failure, because the process isn't over. The process is ongoing. But clearly, in the aftermath of the Goldstone Report, we've seen this fairly substantial gap, emerge, and we're seeing what we can do to move both sides closer to a decision to enter into negotiations," asserted Crowley.
Haaretz Israeli News Last update - 10:40 08/12/2009
The Knesset passed a bill Monday to establish a biometric database that might require all Israelis to have a chip installed in their ID cards and passports with their fingerprints and facial scans.
The bill passed by a large majority in second and third readings following a prolonged debate and after its original version had been modified.
The new law postpones the controversial database for two years, during which a partial database will be set up to give the state time to examine ways of safeguarding the information.
During those two years, only people who agree to have their details on a chip would receive "smart" ID cards and passports.
After that, the interior minister would be able to apply the law to all citizens or extend the probation period by another two years. If after four years it is decided not to implement the law in full, the entire biometric database would be deleted.
The MKs dismissed dozens of reservations submitted by the left-wing Hadash and Meretz parties, and by Labor MK Eitan Cabel.
Under the original bill, all citizens' fingerprints and facial scans were to be stored in the database. It said ID cards and passports that were updated as "smart" documents would significantly reduce forgery.
The database was supposed to help solve crimes, but amid sharp criticism by human rights groups and fears that sensitive information might leak to criminals or Israel's enemies, a ministerial committee was set up to hammer out the compromise.
The main fears were that criminals could access the database and plant false biometric information at crime scenes, or that countries could expose the identities of Israeli secret agents.
MK Nitzan Horowitz (Meretz), one of the bill's strongest opponents, said at the Knesset debate Monday that "passing the bill is a grave mistake, severely infringing on individual liberty."
He held up papers from the Interior Ministry's database with MKs' personal details that had leaked to the Internet.
"This proves how easy breaking into government databases is," he said.
MK Meir Sheetrit, who initiated and spearheaded the bill, said that strict security precautions would be taken to prevent leaks. He said the facial-scan data would be kept separately from the fingerprint data.
"Only employees of the special authority set up in the Interior Ministry would have access to the database. They would not work anywhere else and would undergo security examinations and screening .... They would have to pass a lie-detector test every year to make sure none of them is leaking or abusing the information," he said. Infractions would entail heavy penalties. ____________________________________________
ProphecyWatcher: This is significant as these were predictions we have been making for years. Mandatory chips in cards are the forerunners for mandatory chips in hands. However, we are fully aware that biometric microchip implants are already being done.
Watch this video. The President of the EU clearly states that November 2009 is the beginning of global governance with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of the financial crisis. So he is officially the president of the world. The New World Order is here and in full effect. Revolution is on the horizon. Trade your dollars for food and water now.
I went to sleep about an hour ago. At first I laid down on my side to get comfortable but my back was bothering me so I thought to lay on my back. But then I thought I shouldn't sleep on my back because the last two times I remember sleeping in that position I had shadow man experiences. Then I thought, I don't care, nothing is going to happen.
The next thing I know, I was dozing off and I remember seeing the ceiling but I saw shadows coming around me. I started wondering if the shadow man experience was happening but I was too sleepy to resist and I drifted off deeper into sleep.
Then I dreamed that I was sleep in my bed and something invisible was pushing me down. It seemed like although it was invisible, I could slightly see it. I could feel its thoughts, if that makes sense and it seemed like it was testing me. How scared would I get? How much would I resist. I tried to push it off but I couldnt. I tried to say the name Jesus several times but I couldn't open my mouth. I kept resisting then it stopped.
As I continued dreaming I layed in my bed thinking about what had just happened. Then I heard a sound. It could have been steps but it reminds me a tapping sound and then I knew it was about to happen again. I looked up and I saw something invisible walking toward me real fast. Although it was invisible I could still see a figure. I guess you can compare it to the movie Predator. It got on me and started putting pressure on me. It pushed me down into the bed. I could not resist. I tried as hard as I could and then it stopped.
Again, I lay there in my dream, on my back wondering what just happened. Then I heard the tapping sound again. I knew it was about to happen. I didnt see anything this time but the covers on top of me started getting tighter around me and I felt the pressure of the blankets pressing me down into the bed.
I was so frightened by this that I got out of the bed and went into my friend's room. I told her something scarey had happened to me. She was also awake and it seemed like she was going to tell me something had happened to her too. But before she could get it out, she looked strange to me. Almost as if she was possessed. I asked her to turn on the lights but she wouldn't. I asked her again and she laughed. I left the room thinking if this is happening to me and to her, maybe its happening to my daughter too?! Suddenly I was back in the bed on my back and I realized I hadnt left my room! I was still dreaming!
Then I heard the tapping sound and I knew it was about to happen again. This time I forced myself to get up. I even felt like I was sleep walking until my hand touched the door knob and I left my room. Then I really went into her room and told her what happened. This time she turned on the light and asked me if I was okay.
I name this dream psychic soldier because it reminds me of my dream about THE VOICE. In that experience I heard a voice in my room and it sounded like technicians testing sound equipment, saying, "can you hear me".
In tonight's dream, I had a strong sense that the invisible figures were not ghosts or demons, but people! It also reminds me of something I heard about astral projection. Is this really happening? Are people traveling the astral realm disturbing others while they are sleep? Is this part of Project Blue Beam? Of course I will do the research and come back with answers.
1. Do not be immunized. Resist if you have to. 2. Begin buying “original” (real) foods from reputable growers. 3. Use meat products from the same sources. 4. Familiarize yourself with “home remedies” and stock those items 5. Buy only the gold and silver necessary to barter your mortgage, etc. 6. Stock food, food, food and ammunition. They will be invaluable. 7. Create home church and Bible studies along with prayer groups. 8. Start moving off the grid and plan how you will live without power. 9. Stockpile quantities of gas, kerosene, diesel, water and candles. 10. Create your plan of defense and protection for your home and area. 11. Sharp-shoot practice with your weapons and prepare to use them. 12. Re-locate to a more rural area near resources and a clean water source.
Posted by FireCharger: "This is a vision that was given to German Pastor J.W. Matutis.
This vision shows a link between the swine flu vaccine and THE MARK OF THE BEAST!
i know that they're not currently doing this and I don't believe it will happen in the near future (this fall 2009) but I do believe it could be a cover up for the mark of the beast in the future.
Even unbelievers know about the mark of the beast. If you cover it up as a vaccine or some kind of flu detector, people will think it's ok. "Oh, this is for swine flu! this isn't the mark of the beast." That's what they'll say as they sign their soul over to satan.
Don't take this vaccine now and don't take it later. These are the end times. If you have to pull your children out of school is it worth their lives and souls? How about your life? Would you lose your job to avoid this?"
Since the mid 1990's whispers have abounded from "Intel" circles in the military and scientific community about a strange series of scientific testing programs. One is called HAARP. Another is called PROJECT BLUE BEAM. It seems that in reality, if we believe the sources (and some have rather impeccable scientific is even a born-again Christian scientist -- Dr. Nick Begich) then our government, or shadowy elements of the military have developed not simply awesome shooting weapons, but also mind-bending weapons of the mind. Project Blue Beam is just one of those mind-bending programs that could seriously impact upon a person's moral values and sanity.
Project Blue Beam is a special operations program that is tied into other exotic physics projects like the HAARP program in Alaska. HAARP is a program that in very simplistic terms shoots high energy beams of scalar physics technology (Nikola Tesla technology) that cooks the upper atmosphere of the planet. One of the many possible uses of this technology involves the capability to project images of massive size out into the sky. In fact, Project Blue Beam is a program designed to project religious images into the sky in a hologram presentation. It's like television without a box providing a visual stimulus without any apparent electronic receivers so that anyone who is sighted could see it.
What is even more astounding is that the technology is even so advanced now that the equipment can beam electronic signals to the brains of blind people so that even they can "see" the hologram, although in reality they can't. Does that sound crazy? Hold on a minute. There's more to this story. The program also has the capability to project voice sound into the head of a witness without it being heard in the person's ear. Yes, the sounds would go directly to the brain from electronic impulses. And, with new super-computer technology it will be possible for super-computers and satellites to interact with your brain from space and have the voice of "God" respond to your thoughts as you see "Jesus" in the sky!!! Now is that tooooooo far out to even contemplate? Well, I agree. It's too far out. Yet, reputable sources out there say that its not only possible and doable but is being readied to actually be used at the right moment to fool the world into thinking Jesus Christ, the Son of God has returned to Earth. Now, I don't blame you if you don't believe me. I wouldn't either. I'm not totally certain of it, myself. I wonder if perhaps its just some other disinformation campaign being presented by someone in the shadows with an agenda.
However, IF it were true... well, it would sure explain how the whole world swallows the PR of the Antichrist. And if it were possible, "even the very elect" could be deceived (as Paul tells us).
There is a lot of material floating around on the internet about this issue. Below is one article that we've picked up that gives a pretty good explanation and lots of links to do your own follow up investigations. Is it simply too outrageous to be true? Well we figure its better to be forewarned in case it really is true.
"Electronic Sorcery & Blue Beam Technology: Tools of the Fourth Beast"
The "operation" is easy to EXPLAIN and REVEAL technologically. Holography, a technique for obtaining 3-dimensional images, involves an interference pattern between 2 sets of single-wavelength light waves. A single laser beam is split into two parts, one to illuminate the object, the second part (called the reference beam) is reflected by a mirror. The two beams meet forming an interference pattern, which is developed to form a hologram.
This hologram can be used to re-create a 3-dimensional image of the original object. According to a comprehensive report by Canadian investigative journalist, Serge Monast, entitled Project Blue Beam, this holographic technology used in conjunction with hi-tech, mind-control weapons utilizing the effects of radio-frequency waves upon the brain, is capable of projecting an image in the sky and causing collective thought to convince people they are seeing an alien invasion or the second coming of Christ. The Blue Beam Project will pretend to be the universal fulfillment of the prophecies of old.
In principle, it will make use of the sky as a movie screen space-based, laser-generating satellites project simultaneous images to every part of the planet, in every language, in every dialect according to region. Specifically, the show will consist of laser projections of multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving different images according to predominating regional/national religious faiths. No area will be excluded. With computer animation and sound effects appearing to come from the depths of space, astonished followers of the various creeds will witness their own returned Messiah in spectacularly convincing lifelike realness.
The various saviors will then merge into one after "correct" explanations of the mysteries, prophecies, and revelations will have been disclosed. This event will occur at a time of great political and general tumult. [Seems like surely this is a good time to meet those requirements.]
The Blue Beam Project, developed by NASA scientists, consists of 4 parts, 4 steps toward the implementation of the NWO religion with the Antichrist at its head.
First, earthquakes at certain precise locations of the planet will result in new archaeological discoveries, revealing that all religions' basic doctrines have been misunderstood and misinterpreted.
Second, a gigantic Space Show with laser projections of multiple 3-dimensional holographic images worldwide, will appear to be the image of God, speaking in all languages.
Third, electronic telepathy involving ELF, VLF, and LF waves will reach people by the inside of their brains, interlacing and interweaving with the natural thinking to form diffused artificial thought and making each one to believe that God is speaking to them from within their own souls.
Fourth, electronic universal "supernatural" manifestation designed to deceive will create the following illusion: make mankind believe an alien invasion is imminent, make Christians believe a rapture is imminent and the aliens have come to rescue them, and convince all that global satanic supernatural forces and manifestations penetrating worldwide - able to travel through optical fiber, coaxial cable, electric and phone lines - are everywhere and inescapable
The obstacle is not the holography itself but rather the ELF that will be waged that must be counteracted. When ELF is used on a person all their senses alter. You may see things that are truly there but others won't be able to see. Yet at the same time you could capture these powers of darkness on film. Though I do think that Blue Beam will be in conjunction with the actual inner and outer invasion of the fallen angels and demons of Revelation chapter 9 in some way. We can get into counteracting the ELF after awhile. This is a lot of information here.
I just went to my website I've been working on - and paying for. It seems it was taken down. I don't guess they like what I had on it. LOL But I'm still being charged so this is not so cool. However, I did have a reserve copy of the article I had done awhile back on the ELF-Blue Beam connection.
Electronic Sorcery & Blue Beam Technology: Tools of the Fourth Beast
ELF is a tool of the Luciferian Elite. It is the New Age version of witchcraft, hence electronic sorcery. Basically they direct the extremely low frequencies (ELF) at the person they choose for whatever reasoning they have that the targeted person is a dissident. The ELF will put the person into altered states, many times the person doesn't even realize this. Yet, this is not an altered state as in Hindu like meditations. Basically the brain simply has no firewall to block frequencies. Just as a computer can not restrain a hacker from hacking into a computer without a firewall. This Luciferian tool will be used in conjunction with Blue Beam Technology, better known as Project Blue Beam, to be the voice of the SO-CALLED God, but shall in fact be deceiving spirits.
The effects of ELF on a person can vary based upon length of being hit with the waves, frequency setting, or both. Some of the symptoms are as follows (yet will always be more than two symptoms per zap):
1. Slight to a complete loss of concentration, memory, and an overall blanking out for a few seconds to a few minutes.
2. Dizziness
3. Drop dead in your tracks fatigue in which you just MUST sleep without an otherwise known cause. You may find yourself sleeping from 12-20 hours at a time.
4. Immediate wired effect in which you feel as if you’re on major amounts of caffeine or even cocaine. You may stay awake for 22-48 hours with no sleep, all the while still feeling wired.
5. Ringing, buzzing, popping, clicking, humming sound within the ears. This may even be painful to the extent it feels as though something sharp is pounding your eardrum(s).
6. Altered taste-metallic taste.
7. Pressurized feeling within your head.
8. Images of light, as in an 'aurora,' from an image you just looked at. Beams of light may also be seen. This can happen anywhere.
9. Voice(s) inside the brain that are not your own or the Holy Spirit, yet is LIKE the Holy Spirit. (If you are a target and it is used on you too often it will become difficult to tell the difference whether it is the voice synthesizer in the ELF or the Holy Spirit!)
10. Just KNOWING where to look to see a UFO. You look and sure enough one shows up.
11. You may become paralyzed in bed while a voice commands you to not resist. (You may feel a presence by your bed when this occurs.)
12. Lucid dreaming.
13. Flashes of light
14. You may hear voices coming from your electronic equipment that shouldn't be
15. You may have high body heat - as in a hot flash that lingers on for hours
16. DURING this you may have 'visions' of phantoms, balls of light, demons, aliens (fallen angels), etc.
17. You may have an involuntary out of body experience
18. Rapid heart rate while sitting still, without medical or physical cause.
19. Seeing through closed eyelids
20. Kundalini experiences
Now the above is not even a complete listing of the effects of ELF (extremely low frequency weapons). Now do you see why it is WISE to investigate ELF BEFORE this nation slides any further into the Abyss? I sure do hope so.
When you put this together with Blue Beam Technology you get one ripen headache! Blue Beam technology will be used to bring about the New World Order, the Antichrist kingdom, and the fourth beast, which will be used in the final stages prior to the Antichrist appearance. However, many will believe Blue Beam is in fact the Antichrist, or the messiah (false). DON’T be a fool!
Blue Beam has existed for decades and has been used extensively in many areas, including the Gulf War. All the while it is being refined. However, the ultimate purpose still awaits.
YOU have time to prepare for just in case you are here when it's in use. With the new Homeland Defense office setting up the way it is with the New Nazi Tom Ridge as the head surely it won't be long. The camps, or prisons as they're called, are being made ready now. The laws are being revised, revoked, and new laws are taking its place. Soon it will be time to flee into the wilderness. When we do certainly the Nazi foxes will come looking for us and use their weaponry to gain a foothold. KNOW the plans and symptoms of ELF so you can recognize it and fight it when the day comes. Make hard copies NOW of such websites as over 5000 websites have shutdown since 9-11-01. The battle is for the mind!
ProphecyWatcher: This reminds me of an experience I had regarding a voice in my room. I was sleep and dreaming about talking to some ladies. As we were speaking, I could hear a voice in my room that started to pull me out of the dream. The voice said, can you hear me? I was really into my conversation so I kept speaking to the ladies. Then I heard the voice again and it said, HELLO?!!! Suddenly I jerked out of my sleep and immediately looked up to see who was in my room. Nobody. Then I looked out the window which was right near my head scared someone was right there. Nothing. This haunted me for days because I knew for a fact a voice in my room woke me from my sleep. I began doing research to find out that the U.S. Air Force has this technology. See my previous post THE VOICE
In my book Dreams & Visions of Our Future I shared information about visions and dreams of a fake second coming and a fake rapture. These are things that we who are living in the endtimes need to be aware of.
"This is the International Free Press in Canada (address given, no longer valid - International Free Press Network, P.O. Box 177, Magog, Quebec, Canada J1X3W8). The International Free Press Network is not a religious group, neither a political organization, but and independent worldwide investigation press agency, in the field of politics, economic, medical and military.
We specialize ourselves in investigating and publishing special reports and audio tapes to expose the under world of the United Nations' conspiracy to implement a New World Order.
Our task is to make the people realize that the coming of the New World Order is not a dream, neither a paranoid thought. It is a real Satanic under going project.
For what?
To abolish all Christian traditional religions in order to replace them by a one-world religion based on the 'cult of man'.
To abolish all national identity and national pride in order to establish a world identity and world pride.
To abolish the family as known today in order to replace it by individuals all working for the glory of one-world government
To destroy all individual artistic and scientific creating works to implement a world government's one mind sight??
And that kind of declaration of war from the United Nations is for:
the implementation of a universal and obligatory membership to the United Nations, as transcending of the United Nations by multi-military and multi-police force;
a world wide Justice Department through the United Nations with an International Criminal Court;
a world wide new Trade Agreement for all nations;
the end of cold war -- of local war like it is today, and the obligation for co-existence for "peace";
and also, a New World Religion and a New World Culture for all men.
If we really wish to understand the Blue Beam Project -- NASA's Blue Beam Project -- where is that from?. . . we have to go back to the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Remember that song? That song said:
When the moon is in the seventh house, and Jupiter aligns with mars, and peace will guide our planet, and love will steer the stars.
This related with the year 1982, to be at that time the opening of the conspiracy for the Age of Aquarius. Just before the implementation of the New World Order, supposed to start at that time in 1983... and I have to say that the Blue Beam Project was set up for the year 1983.
It has been delayed at that time. We don't know exactly why, but since 1983, makes eleven years they've really improved themselves with new technology and through space, that enable them right now to make their space show possible.
So, the goals of the New Age movement under which the United Nations operates right now, are the implementation of a New World Messiah.
The tools of the new world government are a multi-national army -- an international army; an international police force; a World Bank for the economy; a World Government under the United Nations; a World Conservation Bank for wilderness around the world. That means that all green movements will be melded into this new International Bank or will disappear. A World Religion where all church doctrines will be destroyed at the roots to be replaced by the new religion of the Age of Aquarius.
The world seven rate classifications for all men and women - the new paradise, they said - where everybody will have a predetermined work to fill out whether they agree or not; the world concentration camp headquarters at the United Nations for those who will not accept the new system; the world agriculture and food-supply control which will control food and vitamin supplies all around the world.
The New World Order will be an in-between government system from old USSR, Great Britain and its commonwealths, and the actual United States with its melting-pot population. This is at the end... a new spiritual-political world order which will replace the old one in which we live right now.
What are the New World Order plans? They plan the destruction of all people who believe in the Bible, who worship Jesus Christ, and the complete disappearance of Christianity to achieve this plan.
The New World Order will change nations' laws in order that Christian religious beliefs and symbols - like the cross for instance - will be come unlawful. Only Easter and Christmas for instance will be replaced by New Age festivities around the world.
The New World Order plans also the abolishment of all currencies and the transfer to electronic cash through the super highway -- what we call also, the electronic highway. The thinker and the basic doctrine books of the New Age conspiracy for the New World Government are -- and listen to the name of those people because all the new way of thinking of the New World Order are from those people, those authors who wrote different kinds of books which are the basic belief of the New Age movement:
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, who wrote Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine.
Alice A. Baily who wrote The Race and the Initiation and the Externalization of the Hierarchy. Also, Initiation, Human and Solar; The Reappearance of the Christ - their Christ is the new messiah; The Destiny of the Nations, in which they plan what they're going to do with the actual nation-state.
The Unfinished Autobiography , Discipleship in the New Age, Esoteric Psychology -- that's a writing of Alice Baily, very important for all New Age thinkers who are exactly the ones who plan the New World Order.
Also the writing of Nicholas Roerich wrote Mitreya, that's their new messiah; Shambala the Resplendent; The Agni? Yoga Series.
Also the writing of David Spangler who wrote Revelation, the Birth of a New Age, considered as a valuable insight to the New Age movement. Reflections on the Christ which is related to the Luciferian initiation; Links With Space, which relayed as supposed to be big space show in which aliens are supposed to come to save men. Relationship and Identity; The Laws of Manifestation; New Age ?, and Toward a Planetary Vision which is directly related with the New World Order as they plan it to be.
Now, what do those people also plan?... and as I said before, this is not a dream and this is not paranoid thinking. This is real. So they plan ... to accept the New World Order, people will have to accept first the New World Religion. To enter into the New World Religion, the Christians will have to abdicate their own beliefs.
So as they said, especially Benjamin Creme, David Spangler, Alice Baily, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky... all said that the initiation will be on a world basis, inside the new organized Christian church and is a Masonic Lodge, and Order organization. It will be based on a Luciferian initiation, so what we have to understand here is: it won't be possible for somebody who will hold tight to his own Christian beliefs to get into the New World Order. That will be impossible.
Now for those who will not accept the NWO, who will reject it, the new age people -- the new ager, the new world order people, which is the same -- they plan concentration camps - re-education camps - and for those camps they made what is known to be the rainbow color classification of the new world order prisoner. The rainbow considered as the bridge symbol leading to the Satanic world of the New World Order.
We already do know for instance, that everybody will have to take an oath to Lucifer with a ritual initiation in order to cross that bridge into the new World Order. All resisters to that initiation, as they plan, will definitely be sent to a detention facility where they will be separated in different categories. That's what they call the rainbow color classification of the New World Order prisoner.
Classification of Christian children, as they plan it, are to be used as human sacrifice. Where? Within the black mass ceremonies, they will participate in any kind of sexual orgy, some to be kept as sexual slaves.
Classification 2, which is the classification of prisoners to be used in medical experiments where drugs and new technologies will be tested on humans.
The 3rd classification is the classification of healthy prisoners for the international human organ center, where their vital organs will be removed one by one while they will be be maintained in life with special life-support systems.
Classification 4, for all healthy underground workers. The new world order is a basic worldwide dictatorship based on the Luciferian religion. A dictatorship with the appearance of an international democracy. In order to maintain that democracy illusion, camps and slave labor will be hidden from the populations of the earth. Just remember, for instance, how Hitler covered up the maternity in the concentration camp in his time.
Classification 5, which is the classification of uncertain prisoners in the international re-educational center, where they will be re-educated in order to repent themselves on worldwide t.v. and where they will learn how to glorify the virtues of the new world order for humanity.
Classification 6, which is the international execution center. We're still waiting for details on the 7th rate classification as well as we're still waiting for proof on the color classification for each prisoner section.
Now, those people... this is what they plan in their new paradise world. So you have to understand that when I decided to release - about six months ago - some tiny parts of information concerning their most secret project, which is the NASA Blue Beam project, I was not sure at that time if I would survive my stand against the new world order's most sophisticated project, set up to put down on their knees all men of all nations, cultures and religions.
But now, following my own Christian conscience, my real and deep love for all my unknown brothers and sisters in America and other parts of the world, I fully accept to give my life it that has to be the case, for the truth, for Jesus Christ, by releasing for the first time ever the four major steps of the satellite Blue Beam Project
What I ask to everyone who will read and hear the description following: It is not to be paralyzed by their natural fear but to spread every word of the contents of this ninety-minute audio tape and to gather together in order to pray, to think and to plan different ways they will organize themselves to survive the New World Order government showdown and power-taking. Because what we have to understand is the New World Government won't be something permanent - immortal. This is not the case. But what we have to do and what we have to think right now is how to organize ourselves to survive such tyranny, such Satanic plans.
Now, the famous NASA Blue Beam Project has four different steps. Four parts toward the implementation of the New World Religion with the anti-Christ at its head. And we must remember that the New World Religion is the basic foundation for the New World Government. Without that New World Religion, such government, such worldwide dictatorship is completely impossible. That's why the project is so not only so important to them, but was so well kept secret to now.
The first step concerns the breakdown of all archeological knowledge. It deals with the set-up of earthquakes at certain precise locations of the planet where supposedly new discoveries will suddenly explain - for them - the wrong meaning of all major religions' basic doctrines. This classification used to make the population believe that all religious doctrines have been misunderstood and misinterpreted have already started with the field of psychological preparation for populations for the first step has been prepared through films like 2001 a Space Odessy; the series, Star Trek; Star Wars which deals with space invasion and space protection; and the last film, Jurassic Park, dealing with the theory of evolution.
Now, which is important to understand in that first step is that those earthquakes will hit at different parts of the world where scientists and archeological teachings have been taught in the past where supposedly there were some hidden secrets. By those kinds of earthquakes it will be possible for them to rediscover again - supposedly, okay? - rediscover again those kinds of secrets and those secrets are meant to discredit all the religions' basic doctrines.
This is the first preparation for the plan for humanity, because what they want to do is to throw down, to shake up the beliefs of all Christians on the planet. And to do that they need some false proof, supposedly from the past, and from the far past that will "prove" to men and women that their religions are false.
The second step deals with the gigantic space show with three dimensional optical holograms and sounds, laser projections of multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving different images according to predominating regional/national religious faith. This new god's image will be talking in all languages. Now to understand that, we have to go back a little bit in different Secret Services research done in the last 25 years. Like this one:
The Soviets have manufactured the advanced computer, even imported, and fed them with the minute psychical particular base under studies about the anatomy and the biology of the human body; and the studies about the anatomy, the chemistry and the electricity of the human brain. These computers were fed as well, with the different languages and their meanings. The dialect of people have been fed from the Nature Truth satellite. The Soviets started to feed the computer with objective programs like the ones New Messiah. It also seems that the Soviets now, the new world order people, ?? to suicidal methods with the human society by allocating an electronic wave on every mind for many persons in different societies.
Now, there are two different things in that second part. The space show and where that space show comes from. The Space Show, the holographic imaging will be used in a simulation of the ending in which you are given scenes which focus on fulfillment of that which is a desire for you to protect? to fit the needs of those adversary ??.
The results of this deliberately staged false Christ will be for the implementation of a new universal religion. Enough tricks will be foisted on us to hook us into the lie. The Project is the ability to take up a whole bunch of people as in a rapture type of situation and to whisk the whole bunch into never-never land.
The calculated resistance to the New World Religion, the New World Order and the New Messiah will be ? on a massive scale in the ensuing Holy Wars. The Blue Beam Project will pretend to be the universal fulfillment of the prophesies of old, as nature and even as that which took place 2,000 years ago.
In principal, it will make use of the sky as a movie screen, a space based laser generating satellite projects simultaneous images to the four corners of the planet in every language and in every dialect according to region. It deals with the religion aspect of the new world order and is a large scale seduction.
Computers will coordinate the satellite and software will run the show and tell. Holography is based on very nearly identical signal, combining to produce an image or hologram with deep perception which is equally applicable ?? to ELF, VLF and LF waves. It is an optical phenomena.
Specifically, the show will consist of laser projection of multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving a different according to predominating regional/national religious faith. Not a single area will be excluded.
With computer animation and sound effects appearing to come from the depths of space, astonished followers of the various creeds will witness their own returned messiah in spectacularly convincing life-like realness. Then the projection of the Christ, of Mohammed, Buddah, Krishna, etc. will merge into one after ?? explanation of the mysteries, prophecies, and revelation will have been disclosed.
This one god will in fact be the anti-Christ who will explain the various scriptures have been misunderstood, that the religions of all are responsible for turning brother against brother, nation against nation; therefore the world's religions must be abolished to make way for the Golden Age, New Age of the One World Religion, representing the one god anti-Christ in this instance they see before them.
{At this point -- interrupting the transcript -- I'm compelled to include three statements from the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. j.p.}
"When the hour strikes for our Sovereign Lord of all the World to be crowned it is these same hands [the mob] which will sweep away everything that might be a hindrance thereto." Protocol No. 3.
"Ever since that time [French Revolution] we have been leading the peoples from one disenchantment to another, so that in the end they should turn also from us in favour of that King Despot of the blood of Zion, whom we are preparing for the world." Protocol No. 3.
"However, it is probably all the same to the world who is its sovereign lord, whether the head of Catholicism or our despot of the blood of Zion." Protocol No.4.
Naturally this superbly staged ?? falsification will result in social religious disorder on a grand scale, including millions of programmed religious fanatics, through demonic possession cases on a scale never seen before. In addition, this event will occur at a time of great political anarchy and general tumult at the edge of something big... the United Nations, even though it plans to use the Beethoven song of joy as the official Anthem for the New World Order.
Now, if we put this space show and parallel with the star war program we get this: Combinations of electro-magnetic radiation and hypnosis have also been the subject of intensive research. In 1974, for instance, researcher G. F. Shapis? said of one of these research proposals and this investigation:
"It will be shown that the spoken word of the hypnotist may also become varied by modulated electro-magnetic energy directly into the ?? spot of the human brain, without employing any technical device for receiving or transporting the message and without the person exposed to such influence having a chance to control the information input consciously.
It may be expected that they rationalize their behavior and consider it to be under taken out of their own free will."
Anybody investigating so-called channeling phenomena right now would be wise to take this area of research into consideration. It is interesting to note the fact that the number of people who consider themselves channelers have escalated rapidly since this type of research was conducted.
It is uncanny how similar their messages are regardless of which entity they claim to be the source of their divine guidance. It would suggest that any individual considering the content of channeled information should be discerning and critically evaluate where the message they are receiving or considering it empowering or would serve to invoke thought patterns beneficial to the New World Order.
The Sidney Morning Arrow? published an item on March 21st, 1983 which asked ?? ?? ?? . The article states that a paper entitled "The Soviets are Invading the Human Mind" has been submitted to the newspaper foreign editor by Dr. Nathan Ab ??, Assistant Professor in the ?? ?? ?? in Egypt. It is worth quoting the article at length even though his grammar is a little old.
This article relates with the subject who manufactured the advanced computer we were talking about a few minutes ago, and which is really important, because these kinds of computers can be around through satellite into space. The computers were fed, as we said as well, with the different languages and their meanings; the dialect of the people has been fed from the Nature Truth satellite.
The Soviets started to feed the computer with objective program. Today, we're not talking about the Soviets, we're talking about the United Nations, the new world order's people. They're the ones who feed the computer right now with objective programs.
Also, the editor of the column in which the article was printed even states, "We think it makes sense too important to ignore." I think that it is considerate way of putting it. One disturbing possibility, given all the information we have at hand, is that the individuals involved in this potential ? mind control operation could then sell the program and not even be aware that they are conducting such an operation.
Now, figure it out how far they can go right now.
Now, these techniques push us toward the third step of the NASA Blue Beam project that goes along with the telepathic electronical two-ways communication where ELF, VLF and LF waves will reach the people of the earth by the inside of their brain making each one to believe that his own 'god' is talking to each one from within his own soul.
Such waves from satellite are fed from the memory of computers which store a lot of data about the human being and the languages. These waves will then interlace and interweave with the natural thinking to form what we call ?? artificial talk. Now that kind of technology goes into the 1970's, 1980's and 1990's research where the human brain has been compared to a computer; information is fed in, processed, integrated and our response is then formulated and acted upon.
Mind controllers manipulate information in the same manner as a computer for grammar manipulates information.
In January, 1991, the University of Arizona hosted a conference titled "The NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Current and Emergent Phenomena in Bio-Molecular Systems".
What does that mean exactly? That means this: If we refer to one paper that was delivered at the conference, stood out for its different attitude toward the development under discussion at that time. It was in effect a protest and a chilling warning to the attending scientists about the potential abuse of their research findings.
Now, what does that paper mean, and state? It states that the United States has ?? communication equipment which can make the blind see, the deaf hear and the lame walk. It can relieve the terminally ill of all pain without the use of any drugs - and I'm not talking about science fiction over here - a man might retain the use of all his faculties up until the day of his death.
This communication equipment depends on the new way of looking at the human brain and neuro-muscular system and ?? radiation pulse at ultra low frequency. Some of this equipment is now operational within the Central Intelligence Agency - the CIA - and the Federal Bureau of Investigations. It will never be used to make the blind see and the deaf hear and the lame walk, because it is central to the domestic political agenda and foreign policy of the late president Bush.
Domestically the new communications equipment is being used to torture and murder persons who match profiles imagined; to be able to screen a given population for terrorists; to torture and murder citizens who belong to organizations which promote peace and development in Central America; to torture and murder citizens who belong to organizations opposed to deployment and use of nuclear weapons; and to create a race of slaves called automatons, or what it is popularly called, the Manchurian Candidate.
Over seas experimentation is taking place on ?? by the United States and Canada, Great Britain, Australia, Germany, Finland and France. In addition there has been a long series of ?? among British computer scientists of all who have some connection to the United States Navy.
What is possible to ask here in front of such a psychology of terror as this? Would any government, corporation or psychiatrist willfully promote such horror today? The answer is quite obviously, "yes". Government agencies and the corporations that work with them toward New World Order are prepared to promote anything that will help them to achieve their objective of total social control.
As for the question of 'why?': for one thing, if you terrify the public and make them fear for their safety they will allow you to implement draconian law enforcement practices, disarm them and keep extensive records on them and they only have to tell you, "Well, that's all in order to protect you, of course".
And secondly, it promotes the decay of the current form of democratic political system and leads societies to search for alternatives to current political methodology.
Of course, the alternative has already been planned. It is called New World Order and it won't have your safety or interest at heart. As George Bush. said, "read my lips."
Fear has always been used by powerful elite to control and subjugate the masses. The old maxim "divide and conquer is being played out to the limit in every corner of the planet to ensure that everybody is frightened for their personal safety and scared or suspicious of those around them. This too, it is called mind control.
Now, to go a little bit further in that new technology which is at the basis of the NASA Blue Beam project, we have to consider this quote from psychologist Gene V McConnell, which was published in a1970 issue of "Psychology Today". He said,
"The day has come when we can combine sensory deprivation with drugs, hypnosis and astute manipulation of reward and punishment to gain almost absolute control over an individual's behavior.
It should be then possible to achieve a very rapid and highly effective type of positive brainwashing that would allow us to make dramatic change in a person's behavior and personality."
Now when we talked before about that kind of rays and the telepathic electronic two-ways communication... the kinds of rays which are fed from the memory of computers which store a lot of data about the human being and the languages; and we said that the people of the earth will be reached by the inside of their brain making each one to believe that his own 'god' is talking to each one within his own soul, we refer to that kind of technology and that kind of thinking.
That same psychologist said,
"We should reshape society so that we all would be trained from birth to want to do what societies want us to do. We have the techniques to do it. No one owns his own personality."
And this quote here is real important because it is also basic teaching from the United Nations, that 'no one owns his own personality'. The same psychologist adds:
"You have no say about what kind of personality you acquire, and there's no reason to believe you should have the right to refuse to acquire a new personality if your old one is anti-social."
Which is important in that kind of declaration here, if the NWO will be set up over the old one, that means that the old way of thinking, the way we think right now - our behavior, our religious beliefs - would be considered by those people as old thinking, an old way of living, and they will have -- to change it -- the re-education camps of the United Nations, to make sure that people will have -- for them an anti-social behavior which is today an actual one -- will be re-educated in a way to have the new behavior to fulfill the needs of the NWO.
Might it be the largest mind control project ever? because NASA Blue Beam Project is also for the implementation of a New World Religion, a mind control project. So I would suggest you examine the evidence carefully before you disregard this possibility.
Now, if we go further in the different reports we have over here, we find this: The mind control operation and technology include a transmitter which broadcasts at the frequency of the human nervous system, which system is manufactured by the Laurel Electro-Optical System in Pasadena, California.
Laurel, a major defense contractor had previously conducted research on directed-energy weapons for Lieutenant-General Leonard Perez of the U.S. Air Force who was searching for a weapon to implant messages into the minds of the enemy and to urge his own truth onto superhuman deeds of valor.
The device employs electro-magnetic radiation of jigars? frequency pulse at extremely low frequency -- ELF. It is used to torture people both physically and mentally from a distance.
Weapons of this type are claimed to have been used against a British woman protesting the presence of American cruise missiles at Greensam? Common Air Base during the '70s.
This weapon can be used to induce total sensory deprivation by broadcasting signals into the auditory nerves at such a power that it blocks the victims ability to 'hear themselves think'. The device has taken the concept of the old phrase "It is so noisy in here I can't hear myself think", and turned it into a powerful weapon of terror.
The process employed by such ELF technologies are described in various U.S. Defense Department Publications, including one entitled, "The Electro-Magnetic Spectrum and Low Intensity Conflict", by Captain Paul E. Tyler, medical ?, United States Navy, which is included in a collection entitled, "Low Intensity Conflicts in Modern Technology" edit by Lt. Colonel, David ?... U.S. Air Force. The paper was delivered in 1984, and the collection published in 1986 by Air University Press, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama.
"Another pulse microwave device can deliver audible signals directly to an individual while they remain undetectable by anyone else. The technology is very simple, and can be built using an ordinary police radar gun. The microwave beam generated by the device is moderated at audio frequencies and can broadcast voices directly into the brain"... and here we come for that NASA Blue Beam Project, as we were talking about at the beginning, the telepathic electronic two-way communications from space goes exactly with that kind of technology.
I repeat here, "the microwave beam generated by the device is modulated at audio frequencies and can broadcast voices directly into the brain".
In his book, The Body Electric, Nobel Prize nominee Robert Becker described a series of experiments conducted in the early 1960's by Olenfree, where this phenomena was first demonstrated as well as later experiment ?? in 1973 at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research by Dr. Joseph C. Sharp, who personally underwent tests in which he proved he could hear and understand spoken words delivered to him in an echo-free isolation chamber via a pulse microwave audiogram, an analogue of the word sound vibration beamed into his brain.
Becker then goes on to state, "such a device has obvious application and covert operation designed to drive a target crazy with voice or deliver undetectable instruction to a programmed asset".
Now figure out, when we talked about that new messiah from space would be talking to different religious and faith people on the earth by the inside who would give such kind of instruction like to Muslim people what kind of possession case and kind of social disorder on a large case scale ever seen before we would see everywhere on the planet.
A 1978 book entitled, Microwave Auditory Affect and Application, by James C. Lim? explains how audible voice can be broadcast directly into the brain. This technology could be used to make the deaf hear, but instead it has been turned against the public.
Olenfree also reported that he could speed up, slow down or stop isolated frogs hearts by synchronizing the pulse rate of a microwave beat with the beat of the earth itself. According to Robert Becker, similar results have been obtained using live frogs, indicating that it is technically feasible to produce heart attacks which are rays designed to penetrate the human chest.
I should mention also that Becker does not participate in such research. It has been demonstrated that focused Ultra High Frequency - UHF - electromagnetic energy beams can be used to induce considerable agitation and muscular or induce muscular weakness and lethargy. Microwaves can also be used to burn human skin, and aide the effect of drugs, bacteria and poisons, or effect the functioning of the entire brain.
These effects were all studied at length by the CIA on September 21, 1977 in testimony before the Senate Sub-committee on Health and Scientific Research. Dr. Sidney Gottlieb who directed the MK Ultra program at that time was forced to discuss aspects of the CIA's research to find technique of vacuation? the human organs by remote electronic means.
So this is something that exists right now, that has been pushed to its highest degree and that can be used from space by satellite to reach anybody on the planet.
If we go a little bit deeper in that kind of process and mind control over the people, we find for the year 1988 this: the equipment and technology... that kind of technology of mind control have been used to influence politics in a much more direct fashion.
Michael Dukakis, the Democrat Presidential candidate running against George Bush in the 1988 U.S. election, was targeted with microwave technology in order to impede his public speaking performance when the opinion polls he posed a threat to Bush's election prospect. He also claims that the equipment was used against Kitty Dukakis and drove her to the brink of suicide. In the grisly Disneyland World of U.S. politics a presidential candidate with problems such as these two dealt with, obviously stand to lose the race to the White House.
What I can add over here about those kinds of new mental battlefields that will be used in the NASA Blue Beam Project to implement the New World Religion is this: In the December 1980 edition of the U.S. Army Journal, which is called "Military Review", an article by Lieutenant Colonel John B. Alexander, entitled "The New Mental Battlefield -- Beam Me Up, Spock", provides further insight into the technical capabilities now at the disposal of the controllers. He writes:
"Several examples will demonstrate areas in which progress has been made:
The transference of energy from one organism to another.
The ability to heal or cause disease can be transmitted over a distance, thus inducing illness or death for no apparent cause.
Telepathic behavior modification which includes the ability to induce hypnotic states up to distances in excess of 1,000 kilometers has been reported. The use of telepathic hypnosis also holds great potential. This capability could allow agents to be deeply planted with no conscious knowledge of their programming, and .??/ the Manchurian Candidate ? and does not even require a phone call.
Other mind to mind induction techniques are being considered. If perfected, this capability could allow the direct transference of thought via telepathy from one mind or group of minds to a select target audience. The unique factor is that the recipient will not aware that thought has been implanted from an external source. He or she will believe the thoughts are original".
This is exactly what we were talking about, and the third step of the NASA BlueBeam Project calls the telepathic-electronic two-way communication, and the article continues:
"If it is possible to feed artificial thoughts into the ?? genetic ?? via satellite the mind control of the entire planet is now possible. An individual's only resistance to constantly question the motivation behind their thoughts and not act upon thoughts that they consider to be outside the boundaries of their own ethical and moral boundaries. "
Once again, it is wise to consider how television, advertising and various forms of social pressure are constantly being used to manipulate those boundaries.
And one thing... another thing which is really important over here, dealing with that kind of technology is this: It has been reported by Lt.Col Alexander who said in the summary of his Military Review article:
"The information on those kinds of technology presented here would be considered by some to be ridiculous since it does not conform to their view of reality; but some people still believe the world is flat."
Now, this means a lot, because if people do not believe that kind of technology to be possible, or this kind of technology we're talking about is just science fiction... those people put themselves in jeopardy because when the night of the thousand stars will shine from the space during that night when the new messiah and the new world religion will be implemented on the planet, those people won't have time to prepare themselves, and they will not be prepared to preserve themselves against such kind of technology.
That's why they put themselves in jeopardy. Because they don't believe; they don't take time to prepare and this is something real dangerous. Now we're going to talk about the fourth step of that NASA Blue Beam project. Now, the fourth step concerns the universal supernatural manifestation with electronic means. It contains three different orientations.
One is to make mankind belief that an alien invasion is about to strike down on each major city of the earth in order to push each major nations to use its nuclear to strike back. This way, it would put each of these nations in a state of full disarmament in front of the United Nations after the false attack.
The second is to make the Christians believe to a major rapture with the supposedly divine intervention of an alleged good alien force coming to save the people from a brutal satanic attack. Its goal is to get rid of all significant opposition to the New World Order.
The third orientation in the fourth step is a mixture of electronic and supernatural forces. The waves used at that time will allow supernatural forces to travel through optical fiber, coaxial cable... the one used for cable TV, electric and phone lines in order to penetrate everywhere on electronic equipment, appliances will be already installed with microchips. The goal of this one deals with global Satanic ghosts - spector - all around the world in order to push all population on the edge to drown into a wave of suicide, killing and permanent psychological disorders.
Then after that night of the thousand stars humanity is going to be ready to implore any new messiah to re-establish peace everywhere at any cost, even at the cost of freedom abdication. Now which is interesting to note this over here: the technique used in that fourth step is exactly the same used in the past in USSR to force the people to accept Communism. The same technical wave will be used by the United nations to implement the New World Religion in the New World Order.
A lot of people ask me when this is going to happen and how they are going to do it. Which are the steps they're going to set up before that Night of the Thousand Stars? According to different research and different reports that we get, they are thinking right now of an economic crash. Not a complete crash that would put down all the economy, but an economic crash that would force them... that will also have them as a pretext to come up with an in between currency.
That means a new kind of currency that would be in between the currency that we have right now and the electronic cash. Now, what they want to do with the in between currency is to force everybody who has some money in reserve everywhere to spend that money, because they consider that they will have problems to implement the New World Order if somewhere there are some people independent who can survive by themselves, so they have to put the people in a way to force them to spend everything and absolutely everything they have.
That's why they want to start with a kind of organized economic crash to put up a new currency, and after that, they're planning to put on worldwide basis the electronic cash. But right now it is not possible for them to put that electronic cash since the super highway - what we call also the electronic highway - is not yet ready and implemented all over the planet.
To implement the electronic cash worldwide they have to have finished the implementation of the super highway everywhere, and for people wondering what the super highway is exactly... the super highway is an electronic sophisticated way to control directly the people in every home where it will be implemented or installed. To that stage, the control - the political control - of everybody on the planet will be possible.
To prevent any kind of independence from the people we have to remember that the New Agers... the New World Order people will do anything to make sure that everybody, before the year 2000 will have spent all his personal and reserve cash or goods.
To prevent also any kind of independence the New World people have already started, all over the planet, to put into birds, fish and wild animals microchip implants. Why? Because they want to make sure that for the people who won't accept the NWO, they won't be able to fish or hunt anywhere, because the day they would try in the wilderness to make some fishing and hunting, the day they would catch a fish or an animal with a microchip implant they would be traceable by satellite, absolutely, everywhere.
Those same people to make sure of full control of everybody are changing laws of different countries right now to make sure they will have full control of the vitamins. They are also changing laws right now about religion, and also about psychiatric disorders, in order to consider anybody with a violence potential as somebody who has psychiatric disorder and has to be put in a clinic to be re-educated.
If you keep in mind that this New World Order New World Government is a worldwide dictatorship you cannot forget that a dictatorship will do everything possible to make sure they will be in a position to control anybody everywhere on the planet. That's why the kind of new technology they're putting on right now everywhere is a technology for control of the people.
If you take, for instance, the technology that we had in the 1940s and the 1950s that kind of technology was made to help the people for an easier life. But the new technology - if you take the time to look at computers, microchips, new microchip cars, super highway... you'll notice, and this is evident, you'll notice that all that technology is built in a way to track down and control anybody everywhere. And as that kind of technology is made in such a way, it's made also for a purpose.
To refuse to see that purpose is not to want to see the evidence of a new kind of political power that want to establish themselves all over the planet.
Now, at the end of this conference... I want to apologize to everybodies my difficulties, my problem with English speaking, because as a Canadian journalist I'm also from the eastern part of Canada which is French-speaking country.
I hope that even if I have problems with pronunciation, or a French accent in my speaking, I hope it will be possible for everybody at least to understand the meaning of this conference and also the real meaning of the NASA Blue Beam Project.
And I ask everybody everywhere who will be listening that they make everything possible to spread the words everywhere about that kind of new technology which exists right now into space and which exists for the purpose to implement the New World Religion which is also the basic foundation of the New World Order government. Thank you and good night."
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